Are you in the know when it comes to diabetes? For Diabetes Awareness Month, our team at Atlantic Foot & Ankle Specialists wants to tread water on the topic for today’s blog post. There’s a lot of speculation and myths about diabetes as a disease which can cause an unfortunate amount of disinformation to spread. Considering that the two types of diabetes affect over 30 million people in the United States alone, it’s an extremely important topic in our society today. Among all the misinformation in the world, we chose the 3 most common myths surrounding diabetes that can lead to more harm than good:
Myth #1: When you’re diabetic, you should go on a high-protein diet. This is entirely false! Going on a high protein diet as a diabetic can put you at an increased risk for insulin resistance. A well-balanced diet is great for everyone, regardless of if they have diabetes or not.
Myth #2: Once you’ve been diagnosed as diabetic, your diet is no longer full of exciting foods or meals. This is certainly false! The diet a diabetic is advised to follow is the same as the general guidelines for a well-balanced diet from the FDA, while enjoying certain foods in moderation.
Myth #3: As a diabetic, you can never, ever eat any foods containing carbs or sugars. False, yet again! While excessive sugar and carbs aren’t great for anyone’s diet, they can still be enjoyed in moderation as a diabetic.
Not only are all of these myths false, but they can be very disheartening to someone who is faced with a new diagnosis of diabetes. Life as a diabetic doesn’t have to mean you stop enjoying food! Working with your team of medical professionals can ensure a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life as a diabetic person. This includes regular 6 to 12 month check ups with your podiatrist, Dr. Todd Newsom or Dr. Melissa Robitaille, to make sure your feet and ankles are in top shape. Call us today at 912-988-3323 to get yourself penciled in at Atlantic Foot & Ankle Specialists.