Pre-Training: When training for a half-marathon, you should be able to run for at least 30 minutes without stopping. When starting it is not about the distance, you just need to get your body used to this type of exercise. Try to not only run on a treadmill; you should try and run outside because this will help build your muscles and running outside is tougher on your body. When you get comfortable with running your distance will come along with your endurance and time. The combination of running and walking is a great technique to use during pre-training. If you have to walk, walking will make it easier for you to get used to running and get your body ready. On days that you are sore, walking will be a great alternative to prevent injury and help you keep exercising. One key thing is it SIGN UP and get REGISTERED for the half- marathon! This will be motivation in itself to get going.   10-Week Half Marathon Training Schedule WeekMonTueWedThuFriSatSunTotal 1 3 Rest 3 3 Rest 4 Rest 13 2 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 5 Rest 15 3 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 6 Rest 16 4 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19 5 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 10 Rest 21 6 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 11 Rest 24 7 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 12 Rest 26 8 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 9 Rest 22 9 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 8 Rest 18 10 3 Rest 3 Walk 2 Rest 13.1 Rest 21 Chart can be found here  


Don’t slack you are almost there! Your mileage should gradually increase each week as you train. You don’t want to increase your mileage too much each week, just make sure you are increasing. You should complete a run of 10-12 miles about 3 weeks prior to the race. This will be plenty of time for you to be prepared for the race. During the final weeks make sure to allow your body to rest and recover so you are ready to successfully complete your half marathon. While allowing plenty of rest and recovering be sure you don’t find yourself getting lazy. Your runs are very important at this point in the game.  After running be sure you are stretching each day and also providing your body with the right nutrition.  All of this tips should be a great start to get you motivated to train for a half- marathon!  

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