Do you experience plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, achy feet, and ankle sprains? If you do we have a product that all of our patients love. You can purchase it from us over the counter or from our online store at: This product is amazing. This product is an unique and effective reliever of pain. We recommend and trust Biofreeze because, it stops the reoccurring pain with Cryotherapy. The pain and inflammation is soothed with the cold application which reduces the achy sensation. The tissue then begins to heal from the cold and rewarming stimulation. There is a South American herbal extract in the product that the Paraguay Indians use to boost the effect of the medicines, it’s called ILEX. This product offers extensive results as well as deep penetrating pain relief. We can supply you with the Biofreeze Roll-on, Spray and Biofreeze Gel to get rid of your pain. This product is made with different applicators. Some of our older patients find the roll-on as a convenient way to get to the tough to reach places. BioFreeze is not an oily or greasy product. It will not leave stains and has a fading scent. There aren’t any oils, aloe, petroleum or waxes in BioFreeze. BIOFREEZE products can also help relieve the following other pains:Foot, Heel, Arch Pain, Sore Muscles, Muscle Sprains, Tendonitis, Sports Injuries,Painful Ankle, Knee, Hip & Elbow Joints, Back, Shoulder, Neck Pain, ArthritisCall our office today and ask about our BioFreeze product to help you body get back on track: 912-355-4557 or visit our website at: Robitaille, D.P.M.Medicine, Surgery and Injuries of the Foot, Ankle and Leg for Adults and Children