Do you live in a large city were you are walking a long distance to get to work? Are you on your feet walking the majority of the day? Well, are you wearing the proper type of shoes for the type of walking that you are enduring? Even if you are going out to run some errands, do not neglect your feet. Make sure to evolve in response to the type of environment in which you are in. If you know that you have to walk a mile to get to the subway station and up nine flight of stairs, you may want to consider your feet in the process of picking the shoes you wear that day. Why not wear a comfortable shoe that will not damage your feet? Diabetic Commuter Shoes Invest in a pair of commuter shoes- wear them while doing your long, hard and intense walking and save the high heels for the right time and place.When you wear heels, make sure they are stable. Many practitioners tend to steer patients toward a chunkier heel. A 2001 study reported that wide-heeled shoes increased peak knee various torque as much if not more than narrow-heeled shoes. The wider the heel, the safer and better. Slides are not the best since the top of your skeleton having to hyper-extend backward and your foot being loaded with a lot of weight in the front, your toes have the extra job of gripping the shoe so it doesn’t go flying off. In a study, overweight and flat feet women where shown to be more prone than others to stress fractures, neuromas, bunions, bone spurs and toe injuries. Patients should do exercises to relieve symptoms. Try placing an object such as a towel on the floor and picking it up with your toes and hold for 10 seconds.Try this with both feet. This will strengthen the foot’s small intrinsic muscles that do not get as much exercise due to shoe wear, but is an important stabilizer. Please call us if you have an issues at 912-355-4557.