One of the most rapidly expanding fields in the practice of medicine is the usage of laser therapy for a progressively wider array of conditions. Patients commonly inquire if laser could be use to help everything from bad toenails to chronic pain. Thanks to continuous improvements in laser technology, this can be an effective treatment for a variety of problems.

Laser therapy has been used effectively for years to destroy painful skin lesions, such as plantar warts. In recent years, newer laser technology has become an alternative for the treatment of thickened, discolored toenails caused by fungal nail infections. Research indicates that certain types of lasers can be used to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. This is thought to be due to the fact that the energy in the laser can stimulate the cells of damaged tissue, increasing circulation and oxygen supply to help speed the healing process. This fact has allowed laser treatment to be utilized in the treatment of chronic non healing wounds for patients with diabetes and/or poor circulation. The anti-inflammatory effect of laser treatment may provide therapeutic benefits for a wide range of chronic inflammatory conditions of the foot and ankle, such as Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.

At Atlantic Foot and Ankle Specialists we strive to deliver the latest in cutting edge technology to our patients. This is likely to include and increased role for laser treatment for an increasing variety of conditions in the future.