This is a patient of ours that was hardly able to participate in any of his Boy Scouts events due to a neurological disorder. Now he’s repelling down buildings with the help of the braces we made for him!  His mom sent me these pictures in an email. I can’t say how happy I am to help make such a positive change in my patients lives, it’s why I do what I do. But I’ll let him take it from here. Here’s what Michael wrote to me.

“My old braces were okay but I was always the last guy to finish the hike or complete a run. When I stepped into the Phatt bractes I felt like I could walk normally again. To go from walking stiff legged to walking in full stride is an amazing feeling. I was a little nervous to see how my braces would react with rapelling down the side of a wall, but it felt great. I rapelled down all thirteen stories of the building with no problems. I couldn’t have done it without the paht braces!”

Attached to the email were the pictures below. Just goes to show you, with enough determination, nothing is impossible. Thank you Michael for letting me tell your story.

If you or a loved one is in need of custom braces to help them live a better life do not hesitate to make an appointment with us. Toll free 1-888-506-6652