Ouch! Life’s a BEACH! Beach season is definitely in full swing. What better way to spend your weekend than diving into all the fun festivities at the beach! While enjoying your time in the sun you should also be aware and take precautions. Jellyfish stings are as common as sunburns when hitting the beach. While sunbathers can protect themselves with a beach umbrella, there is no protection from jellyfish or the excruciating jellyfish stings. Don’t Step On That! Ouch
Jellyfish Sting? Squish the Pain!
There IS a solution! If you haven’t heard about this product then you need to check out Jellyfish Squish. Chip Grayson, a local Savannah man developed a remedy for brushes with jellyfish. This formula, Jellyfish Squish, eliminates the pain of a jellyfish encounter. Grayson and volunteers captured local jellyfish and draped tentacles on their forearms and actually suffered painful jellyfish stings. They then applied vinegar, ammonia, and meat tenderizer (substitute for urine) on the area. They did NOT experience any pain relief, and in most cases they felt more pain. On the other hand, Jellyfish Squish was the solution! Pain will vary on the type of jellyfish and how long you were in contact with it. The pain will last anything from a few minutes to several days, or even longer. The quicker you try to minimize the effects the less pain you will generally suffer. If you were badly stung and you are still in an immense amount of pain please come see us. Our doctor’s would treat your sting with a toxin injection, topical cream, or an oral cortisone medication. Jellyfish Squish would just be a quick treatment to your injury. So when is jellyfish season and when should you take the most caution? Jellyfish season along the Georgia coast is in August. Jellyfish often thrive when water is at its warmest, making late summer the most likely time to be stung. Be careful when an incoming tide pushes jellyfish toward the shore. This is when you should be very cautious and keep your eyes open for jellyfish if you are walking the beach to avoid a jellyfish sting. According to the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography jellyfish seem to be increasing in number worldwide. Global warming may be causing the increase of jellyfish, along with added input of nutrients into the ocean from polluted runoff. This is a very concerning worry for the Georgia waters. Don’t miss out on summer fun, but remember to keep this product and safety tips in mind to protect your feet from a jellyfish sting! Enjoy the rest of your summer! For more information check out this site: Coastal Solutions Inc.