Are you scared to do any athletic activity because your ankles are so weak that you sprain them each and every time? Well, we have a couple of options to help you get back to your favorite sports!


There are multiples causes of weak ankles. Ligamentous laxity is one of them: ligaments are the structures that are stabilizing your ankle joint. Some people were born with looser ligaments, creating instability in the ankle resulting in more frequent sprains. Ligamentous laxity can also be due to an old ankle sprain or fracture where the ligaments were overstretched and healed in that position. Other causes are muscle weakness and foot position: people with a supinated foot type, meaning high arch feet with more pressure on the outeside are more prone to twist their ankles. There are multiple types of ankle braces that can control and protect the ankle that can be worn during activities. Custom foot orthotics has shown great results: by controlling the foot position, they stabilize the foot and ankle and block the excessive inversion movement responsible for ankle sprains.


Physical therapy is recommended to strengthen the ankle, especially to recover from previous sprains. If the instability is severe, there are ankle stabilizing surgical procedures that are available and successful.


Life is too shot to limit the activities you like! Consult your podiatrist for an evaluation of your ankle instability!


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