Simple tips to help keep those winter feet happy and healthy. Winter is creeping slowly upon us. And if you are like me you will definitely miss the sun, sand, beach days, and sliding on your favorite pair of sandals. As we transition from enjoying our summer days with numerous outdoor activities to being indoors more frequently, it is very important to continue your foot care regimen. I know what you are saying. I am going to be indoors and my feet will be protected from all of the elements, what could possible go wrong? The fact is although shielded from the elements, your feet can suffer in the winter months if they are neglected and that can lead to very unhealthy feet. So, how do problems with the feet occur? Well, for one the cold moist environment outdoors paired with the warmth and dryness indoors can lead to a host of problems. One being, dry skin, especially on the heels. The warm dryness of the indoors can dehydrate the skin on the heels, which can lead to painful skin cracks as well as dry scaly skin on the rest of the foot. Also the warm moist environment of your shoes is a perfect environment for fungus that can invade your nails and or your feet. Improper shoe gear can also cause problems with your feet. Improper shoe gear can cause some of the same conditions you may have experienced in the summer months including ingrown nails, plantar fasciitis, bunion pain etc. This can make you more susceptible to slips and falls increasing your chances for traumatic injuries such as ankle sprains and fractures of the foot and ankle. If you are diabetic, proper shoe gear is of critical importance because the wrong shoes can lead to skin breakdown and the possibility of ulcerations. So, how do I survive these months and take of my feet? Taking care of your feet is simple. All you have to do is keep up a foot care regimen.
Maintaining healthy feet is a never ending task and is essential in preventing injury as well as infection. And as long as you follow these tips your feet should get through these winter months with no problems. However, if you do experience problems with your feet just call us and make an appointment with your local podiatrists here at Atlantic Foot & Ankle Specialists and we will be happy to help you with any of your problems or concerns. We look forward to seeing you.