What are Bunions?
A bunion also known as hallux valgus or hallux abducto valgus is a biomechanical condition of the foot that causes progressive changes to the boney framework causing of the first metatarsal phlangeal joint causing the big toe to drift toward the second toe. This condition also produces the classic bony bump with an increasing prominence of the bump as the condition progresses. Symptoms include pain especially walking, soreness, inflammation, redness and numbness. Diagnosis of this condition is simple. An evaluation of the foot and some x-rays to determine the progression of the condition is all that is needed for proper diagnosis and treatment planning.
What are Causes of Bunions?
Bunions are caused by abnormal biomechanics of the foot. This leads to structural changes and adaptations of the boney framework in the foot which causes a deviation of the great toe onto the second toe with the formation of the bump at the joint of the great toe. Bunions are not an inherited condition from family members. It is rather the poor foot mechanics that is passed down. Bunions if left untreated can evolve to be a very painful condition especially when bearing weight. If the bunion progresses even finding shoe gear that fits without discomfort can be quite challenging.
Bunions FAQ