I’m sure we’ve all had those summer days when we just feel so stuffy we end up sweating like crazy. It’s terrible isn’t it? Especially when you took time to dress up, fixed your hair, only to have your make up melt in your face the moment you step out. But that’s not the worst thing that could happen on a sweltering summer day. I tell you, when your feet makes ‘squish squish’ sounds in your shoes because of too much sweat, THAT is when you’re having a bad day.

I’m know a lot of us have experienced the discomfort that is sweaty feet, and it’s time I share with you some tips on how to deal with them.

It’s good to know first and foremost, that excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is an inherent characteristic. Some people sweat when it’s hot, or after rigorous physical activities, while some sweat almost all the time. Sweaty feet, plantar hyperhidrosis, is one such quandary of excessive sweaters.

There are times when sweaty feet is due only to improper footwear. When we wear shoes, especially in the summer, the sweat cannot evaporate properly ,hence causing the bad cheesy smell. Bacteria almost instantaneously work whenever we sweat and excessive sweating can cause increased bacterial activity leading to unpleasant body odor. This is very easy to address though. Check your shoes and socks if they allow proper ventilation for your feet.

Throw out nylon socks. These are incubators for bacteria; instead, go for wool and man-made fiber. Cotton is not ideal either as they do not hold moisture without getting soaked. I love the bamboo and silver socks. When it comes to shoes, try on those that are not lined with plastic. You can also try wearing washable insoles, but make sure to wash them every day. Personal hygiene is still essential, unless you want people thinking you have something dead inside your shoes.

If all else fails, it’s time to look down to your feet. First, make sure your toenails are trimmed as dirt could easily get stuck in them. Next, check for hard skin on your soles. Hard skin is dead skin, when you sweat they get damp, encouraging bacterial and fungal growth.

There are plenty of home remedies for sweaty and smelly feet. An easy one is using powder or cornstarch after washing. If you have the time, soak your feet in warm water. You can add tea-tree oil or black tea for their antimicrobial properties. There are also antiperspirant and antibacterial powders and sprays available in drugstores.

 Unfortunately, I can only say so much for home remedies. When is the best time to see a doctor? Immediately, especially when it’s becoming a big problem for you. It’s usually a no fuss, routine physical examination. Stronger medications, usually aluminum salt based antiperspirant, will be prescribed by your podiatrist.

For more severe cases, new treatments are emerging like Botulinum toxin injection where your sole is injected with toxin multiple times.

If you’re not up for big treatments like that though, I suggest just taking hygiene habits up a level. Preventive measures are still better than any treatment available out there. Seriously, how difficult would it be to bring extra socks? It’s probably not.

Your feet, like any other part of your body, deserve the same attention. Adopt a hygienic lifestyle and practice it, and you won’t have to sweat it with smelly feet.

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