Toenail Fungus Laser Therapy
Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is an infection of the nail causing the nail to appear darkened, yellow or discolored nails that may become brittle or thick. This can be caused by a variety of things, including, but not limited to heavy foot perspiration, poor shoe ventilation, and walking barefoot in areas such as gym locker rooms or pool areas.
Fungal Nail Treatment
Until recently the majority of treatments for toenail fungus have been split into two categories; topical and oral. Topical medications are generally used over many months, and require constant re-application and are mostly ineffective except on the most mild of nail fungus. Oral medications (such as Lamisil) can be effective on more severe cases, but carry more potentially dangerous side effects, such as liver or kidney damage.
Laser therapy is an excellent alternative to traditional treatments for toenail fungus. It is a safe treatment that is effective immediately. The laser targets the cell walls of the fungus, leaving behind only healthy cells. After the treatment the only thing needed is patience, as nails take 3-6 months to grown out. New clear nail growth will appear at the base of the nail as the fungal portion grows out.
Only 10 minutes required to treat toe nails on both feet
- Safe and painless treatment
- No side effects or medications
- Absolutely no recovery time, walk in and walk out
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